Guide Created On: 11/09/2024
Version: 1.0
Technical Specialists: Jack Charlton, Rob England
To license staff users on an ad-hoc basis, add them to the SAST - Adobe CC Users group within Microsoft Azure. This can take up to an hour to sync with Adobe.
To synchronise a new group of users into the Adobe Admin Console, refer to the below guide:
Microsoft Azure:
Log into Microsoft Azure ( with your SM account on your PAW.
Search for and open the Enterprise Applications azure service.

Search for Adobe Identity Management within Enterprise Applications.

Open the Adobe Identity Management application as seen above.
Click on the Users and Groups tab, and then the Add User/Group button at the top-left of the application.

Search for the teaching group, and assign it to the application.

Wait up to 1 hour for the group and users to synchronise with Adobe.
Adobe Admin:
Log into Adobe Admin ( on your laptop with (details in 1password).
Click on the Users tab, and then go to the User Groups tab on the left-hand sidebar.

Once synchronised, the group previously selected in Azure will show up here.
Click on the group that has synchronised from Azure, then go to the Assigned Product Profiles tab.

Click on the Assign Profile button on the right-hand side of the page.
Click the + button underneath 0 Profiles Assigned.
From the list of profiles, choose CCE All Apps for K-12 and select the school specific profile (for GRY students, choose the GRY - Students profile).

After selecting the correct profile, click Apply.
All users within the Azure synchronised group will now have an Adobe CC license.
To log into their accounts, they will enter their into the email box. It will then re-direct them to Microsoft to enter their password, or use single sign-on if using it on a school computer.